%To do for AGU: %1) Get essential figures in place % a) Fix 1-3 paper size % b) Add Masshad map %2) Write 3-5 sentence captions for each figure %3) Pick main figure for mashhad %4) make SHRT figure--- %5) Improve figures % a) Details of maps % b) Add comparison figures for specific regions % c) Scaling on Mashhad map %6) Personalize the template % a) Fonts % b) Bars % c) Column separators %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Jacobs Landscape Poster % LaTeX Template % Version 1.1 (14/06/14) % % Created by: % Computational Physics and Biophysics Group, Jacobs University % https://teamwork.jacobs-university.de:8443/confluence/display/CoPandBiG/LaTeX+Poster % % Further modified by: % Nathaniel Johnston (nathaniel@njohnston.ca) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 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%----------------------------------------------------------- \usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including images \usepackage{booktabs} % Top and bottom rules for tables \usepackage{tikz} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \title{Regional Moment Tensor Analysis of Earthquakes in Iran for 2010-2017 Using In-Country Data} % Poster title \author{Daniel Graybeal \href{mailto:dbgraybeal@mail.usf.edu}{(dbgraybeal@mail.usf.edu)} \& Jochen Braunmiller}% Author(s) %\author{\texorpdfstring{Author\newline\url{email@email.com}}{Daniel Graybeal}} \institute{Department of Geosciences, University of South Florida} % Institution(s) %\departmentlogo{usf-v-green.png} % logo %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setbeamertemplate{headline}{ \leavevmode \begin{columns} % 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two columns twice - the [t] option aligns each column's content to the top \begin{column}{\sepwid}\end{column} % Empty spacer column \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The first column %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OBJECTIVES %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{alertblock}{Objectives} % %Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, nunc tellus pulvinar tortor, commodo eleifend risus arcu sed odio: %\begin{itemize} %\item Mollis dignissim, magna augue tincidunt dolor, interdum vestibulum urna %\item Sed aliquet luctus lectus, eget aliquet leo ullamcorper consequat. Vivamus eros sem, iaculis ut euismod non, sollicitudin vel orci. %\item Nascetur ridiculus mus. %\item Euismod non erat. Nam ultricies pellentesque nunc, ultrices volutpat nisl ultrices a. %\end{itemize}T % %\end{alertblock} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % INTRODUCTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{block}{Introduction} Located in the middle of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision, Iran is one of the most tectonically diverse and seismically active regions in the world. Broadband seismic networks operated by the Iranian Institute of Engineering Seismology (IIEES) and the Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC) currently consist of more than 100 stations, allowing for routine three-component full-waveform regional moment tensor analysis of Mw > 4.0 earthquakes throughout the country. Using openly available data from in-country and nearby IRIS and EIDA stations for the period from 2010 to 2017, we have calculated more than 500 moment tensors for earthquakes from Mw 3.6 to 7.8. The resulting database provides a unique, detailed insight into deformation styles and earthquake depths in Iran. %Lorem ipsum dolor \textbf{sit amet}, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo molestie porta. Sed ultrices scelerisque sapien ac commodo. Donec ut volutpat elit. Sed laoreet accumsan mattis. Integer sapien tellus, auctor ac blandit eget, sollicitudin vitae lorem. Praesent dictum tempor pulvinar. Suspendisse potenti. Sed tincidunt varius ipsum, et porta nulla suscipit et. Etiam congue bibendum felis, ac dictum augue cursus a. \textbf{Donec} magna eros, iaculis sit amet placerat quis, laoreet id est. In ut orci purus, interdum ornare nibh. Pellentesque pulvinar, nibh ac malesuada accumsan, urna nunc convallis tortor, ac vehicula nulla tellus eget nulla. Nullam lectus tortor, \textit{consequat tempor hendrerit} quis, vestibulum in diam. Maecenas sed diam augue. % %This statement requires citation \cite{Smith:2012qr}. \end{block} %------------------------------------------------ \begin{figure} \includegraphics{1fig_background_seis.png} %[width=13cm, keepaspectratio] \caption{Map of Iran with seismicity plotted for the study period. Red events have published depths less than 10 km, and events deeper than 100 km are dark blue. Most of the seismicity in Iran occurs shallowly in the Zagros Mountains, spanning the area inland from the border with Iraq and the Caspian Sea coast. Deep seismicity occurs rarely, and due to the subduction occurring in the Gulf of Oman. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{2fig_faults_and_stations.png} \caption{Map of Iran showing locations of broadband stations used in this study, as well as faults from tk. The regional networks are operated by the Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC) of the Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran and by the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Not shown but used whenever possible for better azimuthal coverage are nearby (<1200 km) broadband stations operated by Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS), and GEOFON. The majority of large seismicity in Iran occurs away from the geographic center, requiring stations outside of the country for more adequate coverage. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{3fig_solutions.png} \caption{Map of Iran with focal mechanisms from 2017 plotted. For the year 2017, tk events had regional data available, and it was possible to calculate tk focal mechanisms throughout the country.} \end{figure} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of the first column \begin{column}{\sepwid}\end{column} % Empty spacer column \begin{column}{\twocolwid} % Begin a column which is two columns wide (column 2) \begin{columns}[t,totalwidth=\twocolwid] % Split up the two columns wide column \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The first column within column 2 (column 2.1) % % % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % COMPARISONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{block}{Comparison to Global Data} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{depth_differences.png} \caption{Comparison of calculated earthquake depths from the global ANSS catalog and from this study. The chart shows a roughly normal distribution around -4, indicating that most seismicity in Iran is shallower than the previously published depths. This is due in large part to the minimum resolvable depth in the ANSS catalog being deeper than the average Iranian earthquake. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{placeholder} \caption{Placeholder for a more detailed depth comparison, comparing depths published by IRSC to those calculated here, and breaking down the depth change by tectonic province. } \end{figure} %\begin{figure} %\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{magnitude_differences.png} %\caption{Comparison of magnitudes published in global catalogs to those calculated in this study.} %\end{figure} \end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MATERIALS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{block}{Materials} % %The following materials were required to complete the research: % %\begin{itemize} %\item Curabitur pellentesque dignissim %\item Eu facilisis est tempus quis %\item Duis porta consequat lorem %\item Eu facilisis est tempus quis %\end{itemize} % %The materials were prepared according to the steps outlined below: % %\begin{enumerate} %\item Curabitur pellentesque dignissim %\item Eu facilisis est tempus quis %\item Duis porta consequat lorem %\item Curabitur pellentesque dignissim %\end{enumerate} % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of column 2.1 \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The second column within column 2 (column 2.2) %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MASHHAD %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{block}{4 April 2017, M\textsubscript{w} 6.1} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{NE_Iran_faults.png} \caption{Map of 4 April 2017 mainshock-aftershock sequence. The large square marks the city of Mashhad, the largest nearby population center with more than 2.5 million residents. Seven aftershocks were large enough and had low enough background noise to allow moment tensor inversion. These and the mainshock are plotted as black beach balls. Bright red circles indicate aftershocks that occurred on April 4th and 5th, while dull red circles indicate aftershocks for the remainder of the year. Thick, black lines are faults from tk. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{depthvar.png} \caption{Depth-variance plot for the mainshock. Misfit drops significantly for 4-9 km range, indicating that the event was shallow and principally reverse faulting. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{shrt.png} \caption{Comparison of station SHRT across events with moment tensor solutions. SHRT was roughly due South and 240 km from the sequence, and had useable components for all eight calculated events. This figure needs to be redone with actual scaling, and also labels for the individual events. } \end{figure} \end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of column 2.2 \end{columns} % End of the split of column 2 - any content after this will now take up 2 columns width %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % IMPORTANT RESULT %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{alertblock}{Important Result} % %Lorem ipsum dolor \textbf{sit amet}, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo molestie porta. Sed ultrices scelerisque sapien ac commodo. Donec ut volutpat elit. % %\end{alertblock} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{columns}[t,totalwidth=\twocolwid] % Split up the two columns wide column again \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The first column within column 2 (column 2.1) %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MATHEMATICAL SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{block}{Mathematical Section} % %Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. % %\begin{equation} %E = mc^{2} %\label{eqn:Einstein} %\end{equation} % %Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. % %\begin{equation} %\cos^3 \theta =\frac{1}{4}\cos\theta+\frac{3}{4}\cos 3\theta %\label{eq:refname} %\end{equation} % %Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at nulla elementum sollicitudin. % %\begin{equation} %\kappa =\frac{\xi}{E_{\mathrm{max}}} %\mathbb{ZNR} %\end{equation} % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of column 2.1 \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The second column within column 2 (column 2.2) %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % RESULTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % %\begin{block}{Results} % %\begin{figure} %\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{placeholder.jpg} %\caption{Figure caption} %\end{figure} % %Nunc tempus venenatis facilisis. Curabitur suscipit consequat eros non porttitor. Sed a massa dolor, id ornare enim: % %\begin{table} %\vspace{2ex} %\begin{tabular}{l l l} %\toprule %\textbf{Treatments} & \textbf{Response 1} & \textbf{Response 2}\\ %\midrule %Treatment 1 & 0.0003262 & 0.562 \\ %Treatment 2 & 0.0015681 & 0.910 \\ %Treatment 3 & 0.0009271 & 0.296 \\ %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\caption{Table caption} %\end{table} % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of column 2.2 \end{columns} % End of the split of column 2 \end{column} % End of the second column \begin{column}{\sepwid}\end{column} % Empty spacer column \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The third column %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONCLUSION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{block}{Conclusion} % %%Nunc tempus venenatis facilisis. \textbf{Curabitur suscipit} consequat eros non porttitor. Sed a massa dolor, id ornare enim. Fusce quis massa dictum tortor \textbf{tincidunt mattis}. Donec quam est, lobortis quis pretium at, laoreet scelerisque lacus. Nam quis odio enim, in molestie libero. Vivamus cursus mi at \textit{nulla elementum sollicitudin}. % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Recent earthquake %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setbeamercolor{block alerted title}{fg=black,bg=Peach} % Change the alert block title colors \setbeamercolor{block alerted body}{fg=black,bg=white} % Change the alert block body colors \begin{alertblock}{12 November 2017, M\textsubscript{w} 7.3} The M\textsubscript{w}=7.3 Zgleh earthquake struck the Iran-Irap border region at 18:18 UTC on 12 November 2017. This is globally the deadliest earthquake of 2017 killing more than 500 people. The likely causative fault is a shallow dipping thrust fault probably associated with the Mountain Front Fault system, which extends northwestward, e.g., faults shown near 34N-46E. The largest aftershock reached M\textsubscript{w} 4.7, considerably smaller than the main shock. Event depths are primarily in the 8-12 km range with the main shock (centroid) at 15 km. \begin{figure} \includegraphics{zgleh_topo_EQ_BB.png} \caption{Map of the region on the Iraq-Iran border where the earthquake occurred. Focal mechanisms show the foreshock (cyan), mainshock (green), and 20 larger afterhsocks (bright red for first 30 hours following the mainshock and muted red for the following week. Squares mark larger towns and cities. Triangles mark seismic stations--small triangles for short period instruments, and large triangles for broadband. Thick solid lines are faults from Pollastro et al. (1999) after the Haghipour and Aghanabati (1985). Small gray focal mechanisms show background activity from regional moment tensor inversion (1999-2013). The faults north of the events are part of the High Zagros Fault system.} \end{figure} %The figure shows locations and focal mechanisms of the foreshock %(cyan), mainshock (green) and 20 larger aftershocks (bright red for first 30 hrs %after main event, muted red for rest of first week after main event). Squares are %some larger towns and cities. Triangles are seismic stations in the epicenter %region, small for short-period, large for broadband instruments; site at border %(thin solid line) was installed only after but within one week of the main event. %Thick solid lines are faults from Pollastro et al. (1999) after the Haghipour %and Aghanabati (1985). Small gray focal mechanisms show background activity from %regional moment tensor inversion (1999-2013). \end{alertblock} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ADDITIONAL INFORMATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{block}{Future Work} Maecenas ultricies feugiat velit non mattis. Fusce tempus arcu id ligula varius dictum. \begin{itemize} \item Automate or nearly automate inversion process \item Eu facilisis est tempus quis \item Duis porta consequat lorem \end{itemize} \end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ADDITIONAL INFORMATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{block}{Additional Information} % %Maecenas ultricies feugiat velit non mattis. Fusce tempus arcu id ligula varius dictum. %\begin{itemize} %\item Curabitur pellentesque dignissim %\item Eu facilisis est tempus quis %\item Duis porta consequat lorem %\end{itemize} % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % REFERENCES %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{block}{References} %\nocite{*} % Insert publications even if they are not cited in the poster %\small{\bibliographystyle{unsrt} %\bibliography{sample}\vspace{0.75in}} %tk \end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % %\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=red,bg=white} % Change the block title color % %\begin{block}{Acknowledgements} % %\small{\rmfamily{Thank you to tk at the University of Tehran for tk.}} \\ % %\end{block} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONTACT INFORMATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\setbeamercolor{block alerted title}{fg=black,bg=Goldenrod} % Change the alert block title colors %\setbeamercolor{block alerted body}{fg=black,bg=white} % Change the alert block body colors % %\begin{alertblock}{Contact Information} % %\begin{itemize} %%\item Web: \href{http://www.university.edu/smithlab}{http://www.university.edu/smithlab} %\item Email: \href{mailto:dbgraybeal@mail.usf.edu}{dbgraybeal@mail.usf.edu} %\item Mail: {tk Find out what my university mailbox address is...} %%\item Phone: +1 (000) 111 1111 %\end{itemize} % %\end{alertblock} %\begin{center} %\begin{tabular}{ccc} %\includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{logo.png} & \hfill & \includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{logo.png} %\end{tabular} %\end{center} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{column} % End of the third column \end{columns} % End of all the columns in the poster \end{frame} % End of the enclosing frame \end{document}